Page 5 - Scott's Presenter
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HAVING GROWN UP IN THIS FRESH The first employee at the company was Darren Watt. He was a chef
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DISTRIBUTION to trade and was the first to test the crispy onions as a possible
product for selling. All these years later Darren is still in charge of the
BUSINESS, RICHARD SCOTT CONTINUED production facility along with his girlfriend Ruth.
THE FAMILY TRADITION OF INNOVATION One of the first to help promote the business and sell the product was
BY SETTING UP SCOTT’S CRISPY Richard’s late daughter Emma. Even though she was only in her 18th
year when she died, she had a vision and passion for the product which
ONIONS IN 2012. we aim to continue, everyday in her honour. A short time afterwards, his
son Christopher joined the business in a sales capacity.